A few days in DC

Hi lovelies – Sorry I’ve been MIA.  Sunday morning Jason and I woke up and made the 9 hour drive to DC.  I had a swanky work dinner to go to Monday night so we decided to make a little trip of it.  Sadly my camera died in the first 5 minutes of driving 😦

On our drive down, we stopped in Valley Forge, PA for a few hour walk through the National Park.  We got a National Parks stamp book for Christmas and now Jason is determined to get all 360 stamps 🙂  The day was gorgeous and it was great to get out of the car and walk around.

I was planning to “borrow” some photos on the internet of this lovely park but sadly my internet is working too slowly.  Damn internet.  Luckily we are getting that problem fixed in two days.

We made it down to DC Sunday evening late, and crashed – it was a long day.  Well before we crashed, we got Chipotle for dinner.  I heart Chipotle.  It is the meal I look forward to most when I have the opportunity to partake in the deliciousness (ie. Vermont does not have a Chipotle — please come here!)

Monday morning we woke up and did a 6 mile run from our hotel, around the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Capitol building. It is so inspiring to be among all those incredible building – the history and beauty are breathe-taking.  Sadly I also planned to “borrow” photos to recreate our run but maybe another day.

Rest of Monday involved work and my work dinner. It was a huge fundraiser that was a bit intimidating but I need to get better at the schmoozing aspect of my job.  We hit the road early this morning and made it back to our house in plenty of time to unpack and watch LOST!

Amazingly my legs feel great after the half on Saturday and all driving.

Have a lovely night.  Lost starts in 1 hour.

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